
Those of you who’ve been hanging out here for any length of time know that I read to my kids a lot. It’s easily the best part of being a mom.



I started keeping track of our family’s read-alouds in mid-2012. Just click on the links below to reach the list for the age(s) you’re looking for.

  • 2012 Book List: Ages 8, 5, and 1
  • 2013 Book List: Ages 9, 6, and 2
  • 2015 Book List: Ages 11, 8, and 4
  • L Miller

    Just sat down with my almost 15 year old this week and we read Patricia Polacco’s 2 newer books called Tucky Jo and An “A” from Miss Keller. Great author whose books still make me cry :) Reading books to our children is such a blessing and gift! Enjoy.