The Circle of Seasons

“Beautiful words, deep thoughts…speak my language of rhythm and liturgy and make me yearn for more God. The Circle of Seasons shows us how to keep company with Jesus.”

—Ann Voskamp, author of One Thousand Gifts

“If you want to breathe fresh air and drink in much grace, these beautifully crafted words offer you a feast.”

–Winn Collier, author of Restless Faith and Holy Curiosity

“…a very accessible and enormously appealing overview of the Church’s liturgical year.”

–Phyllis Tickle, compiler of The Divine Hours

“Kimberlee Conway Ireton writes beautifully. Her stories from daily life are winsome, her reflections on God’s grace are insightful, and her explanations of Christian history are clear and helpful.”

–Lynne M. Baab, author of Sabbath Keeping and
Friending: Real Relationships in a Virtual World

“Accessible, readable, and personable, The Circle of Seasons is a way forward for our time.”

–Adele Calhoun, author of The Spiritual Disciplines Handbook

“Kimberlee Conway Ireton has served the church well in this useful little book… [that] surprised me with its freshness, transparency, and simplicity.”

–Gerald L. Sittser, Professor of Theology, Whitworth University,
author of Water from a Deep Well

“Drawing together everyday experiences from her own life with ancient practices of the church, Conway Ireton charts a route to liberation from our society’s frenzied busyness and crippling self-indulgence.”

–Tim Dearborn, Director of Faith & Development,
World Vision International

“Kimberlee Conway Ireton … artfully blends honest personal stories with practical tips on spiritual practices into an inspiring, well-written book.”

–Keri Wyatt Kent, author of Breathe and Rest

“I would recommend this book to any religious educators.…The hands-on projects are a godsend for anyone trying to make the Bible vivid to learners of any age.”

— Father James Harbaugh, S.J., author of A 12-Step Approach to
the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius

“Offering simple practices built on Scripture, history and everyday life, Conway Ireton helps us participate in the rhythm of the Christian year.”

–Jan Johnson, author of Invitation to the Jesus Life
and Spiritual Disciplines Companion

“A useful and inspiring reexamination of how the church has always marked time and the seasons of the year from its Christian worldview.”

–Noel Anderson, Executive Pastor, First Presbyterian Church,
Bakersfield, California

For freedom Christ has set you free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” (Galations 5:1)

7 Ways to Freedom

They’re called seasons, the seven seasons of the church year, and they’re a way out of bondage to the frenzied pace of our culture and into the freedom of Christ’s unforced rhythms of grace.

Beginning with the reflective preparation of Advent and Lent, the seasons circle through the joyful celebrations of Christmas and Epiphany, Easter and Pentecost, and end in the often lulling dailiness of Ordinary Time. The seasons point us to Christ. They lure our gaze back to God. They remind us that God is lovingly with us moment by moment, season by season, year after year, always.

In The Circle of Seasons, I’ll show you how you can live in these seven seasons—and in the freedom for which Christ has set you free.

Read an excerpt (or two).

Want to buy the book?

Copies of The Circle of Seasons are available for ridiculous prices on Amazon. If I were you, I’d wait for the 10th anniversary edition, coming in fall 2018. Stay tuned for details!

  • April Chonlahan

    I just finished reading your book and I’m in awe. I’m so grateful that you took the time to pen these words. They spoke directly to my heart and met me right where I am…seeking more meaning in worship. And when you said you love tea more than the English, well, I felt like we are kindred souls.

  • Kimberlee Conway Ireton

    Hi April,

    Thanks so much for taking a moment to write these words of thanks. They mean more than I can say. I pray that you find what you seek–Jesus promises that those who seek will find, so I am confident that He will provide the meaning you crave. Some day, we’ll get to sit and have a cup of tea together. I look forward to it.


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  • Susan DeWalt

    This book is amazing. You’ve written beautifully and movingly about daily practices of embracing the richness of God’s gift to us in Jesus Christ. I can’t wait to begin living more intentionally through this calendar of God’s grace. And I’m making a list of who I need to give this book to, as well.