Dear Friends,
Though it’s been months since my last post, I have not taken a break from writing, only from writing on my blog. In the past few weeks, I’ve had three pieces published on other websites, and I wanted to let you know about them.
First, an essay (or perhaps a parable?) about sourdough and wild yeast for Grace Table.
Second, an essay on spiritual sight and blindness, with a dipperful of poetry for good measure, over at The Cultivating Project. (If you only read one of these essays, read this one.)
Third, a reflection on Candlemas over at Velvet Ashes.
Finally, in the coming months, there will be some (I hope) significant changes round here. I’ll keep you apprised as I start rolling them out. For now, I would simply ask you to keep me in your prayers as I strike out in new (to me) directions.
With much gratitude,