
“Gratitude spreads his feast of joy and thanksgiving for gifts that come to him without any special thought of him on the part of the giver, who indeed may himself have gone from the world hundreds of years ago. Thus he says his grace for a delightful or helpful book, for a great picture, for a glorious day, for the face of a little child, for happy work, for pleasant places. According to the saying of Jeremy Taylor, he is quick to ‘taste the deliciousness of his employment.’ He is thankful for all the good that comes to him. The poor soul who believes that life yields him nothing beyond his deserts, that it would be, in fact, impossible to give him more than he pays for, whether in coin or merit, is to be pitied for all the joy he loses… ‘Yea, a joyful and a pleasant thing it is to be thankful.’”

—Charlotte Mason, Ourselves



We ought always to be thankful, of course, but in this week it especially behooves us to give thanks. Please take a moment to mention one or two things for which you are grateful today. I’ll go first:

Blue skies with clouds like angel wings
The flaming red dress of a Japanese maple down the street
Raindrops on bare branches catching sunlight like diamonds
The curve of a road into the unknown
Candle-like canopies of vine maples and alders
The sound of my children’s voices
Shouts of laughter
A visit from a dear friend
Words of encouragement
Work that stretches me beyond comfort
Good books shared with my children

I could go on, but I’ll forebear. For what are you thankful? I want to give thanks with you!

Photo by Tambako the Jaguar, Creative Commons via Flickr.

  • amyscanderson

    All my family under one roof :: baking banana bread early with my middle girl :: smelling it now, almost ready :: a relaxing day seeing both sides of the family yesterday :: the joy of the Lord is my strength, always :: new Boston tea from Harney & Sons :: seeing a delightful blog post from Kimberlee Conway Ireton. Joy to you!

  • http://kimberleeconwayireton.net/ Kimberlee Conway Ireton

    Your comment brings me joy, Amy, for so many reasons. Thanks for sharing these glimpses of your Thanksgiving. xox.

  • Jody Ohlsen Collins

    Oh, thank you for asking :-)
    -seeing a blog post from you with an insightful quote on gratitude
    -a quiet drive on a beautiful day yesterday with my husband–the way the bare branches looked against the sky at dusk, like God had a Fine Point Sharpie and sketched it Himself….
    Turkey dinner leftovers
    The joy of giving to others
    The anticipation of seeing my grandkids for Christmas!

  • http://www.carolhiestand.com/ Carol Longenecker Hiestand

    * drops of water on the Kale in my garden…the only thing still living
    * text messages which can be used to send pictures back and forth between family members on thanksgiving day, even though we are scattered from Ill, IA to OR. It was their year with their other families.
    * looking foward to breakfast with two dear friends tomorrow morning.
    a sense of Jesus’ presence.
    and so much more.

  • http://kimberleeconwayireton.net/ Kimberlee Conway Ireton

    Yes, so grateful for technology that keeps us connected to loved ones even though we’re flung far and wide.

  • http://kimberleeconwayireton.net/ Kimberlee Conway Ireton

    Grateful this morning for coffee with you and Jeanne, tears and laughter, and encouraging words given and received.

  • Jody Ohlsen Collins

    I was reflecting while driving home about the honor and privilege of sharing tears with a bosom friend. It’s a humble place. Thank you.

  • Nancy Ruegg

    Oh, Kimberlee! I just snapped a few photos today of raindrops on bare branches! Even though the skies were overcast, those droplets captured what light there was and gleamed, jewel-like. Now, for what am I thankful? My older son, his wife, and daughter have safely returned–just today– from a month in India. Praise God for his watchful, protective care!

  • http://kimberleeconwayireton.net/ Kimberlee Conway Ireton

    I love raindrops, especially when they catch and reflect light. Grateful with you for the safe return stateside of your son and his family.