In December—smack in the middle of Advent—I was hurriedly sweeping my family room floor, frustrated I had to waste time sweeping when there were gifts to be purchased and wrapped, cookies to be decorated, parties to be planned. Suddenly, into my head popped Henri Nouwen’s words about Advent as a season of “active waiting,” which he says is the belief that this moment is the moment—God is doing something right here, right now, and we want to be present to it.


I looked at the fir needles and dust and tiny LEGO pieces I’d collected in a pile with my broom, and I realized I was not wasting time. In this moment, with my broom, God was at work, drawing my attention to Himself. He was helping me to pray.

In the months since, sweeping has become what I call a prayer trigger. A prayer trigger is anything that you see or do on a daily (or many times a day) basis that prompts you to pray.

I’m over at The High Calling today, friends, writing about prayer triggers…and my broom. Join me?


Photo by Egan Snow, Creative Commons via Flickr.

  • June

    So happy to see you pop into my inbox today, Kimberlee! I always enjoy your posts. Good to see you at the High Calling, too!

    I have a couple of triggers around my home that prompt me to pray for certain people, but I love the idea of a trigger that just prompts me to pray… period. I am asking Him to show me that trigger, and teach me this discipline. Great post – have a great week!

  • Kimberlee Conway Ireton

    Hi June! So happy to see you pop into my comment box today :)

    Prayer triggers are the main way I pray these days. I still (usually) have alone-time with God each day, but with all these kids, that time is short, so I have to pray as I go. Prayer triggers help me do that. I consider them lifelines to God. I hope you find a few that work well for you.

    Blessings on your week, too!