Comments on: Finding Self, Forgetting Self
Thu, 11 Aug 2016 01:48:00 +0000hourly1 Kimberlee Conway Ireton
Fri, 05 Dec 2014 16:01:00 +0000 please, get mushy Thank you so much for your words of encouragement here (and elsewhere!). Thank you for letting me know that my words bless you. So often I walk through my days not knowing, and get discouraged, so your words here are a blessing to me. Isn’t it wonderful how God creates a circle of blessing? My words bless you; your words bless me. God is so good.
]]>By: layla bb solms
Thu, 04 Dec 2014 13:31:00 +0000
i miss you when you’re not posting. i’ve been praying for you. thank you for reminding me that status is not self. there are times i’ve wished that i could purchase a thousand copies of your books and give them out to everyone i know. i want you to be encouraged that your thoughtful and intuitive spirit resonates through your words and that i and i’m sure so many others value you as a sister in Christ… i don’t want to get mushy here, but please know that you are loved and valued by this girl and you are in my prayers – i’m forever grateful for Circle of the Seasons – it opened my heart and mind to what i had been missing in my spiritual journey.
]]>By: Kimberlee Conway Ireton
Sat, 29 Nov 2014 21:19:00 +0000 for stopping by, Kathleen! I’m glad the words here resonated, but it’s really Jonathan Rogers who deserves your thanks, since he’s the one who opened my eyes to a little more of Narnia and sparked these reflections
]]>By: Kathleen
Sat, 29 Nov 2014 04:35:00 +0000….I needed this tonight. Thank you Kimberlee for opening my eyes to a little more of Narnia. So refreshing
]]>By: Kimberlee Conway Ireton
Fri, 28 Nov 2014 20:03:00 +0000’m so glad I inspired you to read it, Jody. Like I said, it’s my second favorite Narnia book. Enjoy!
]]>By: Jody Ohlsen Collins
Fri, 28 Nov 2014 19:53:00 +0000 is so much I love about this, Kimberlee. I’m going to have to go pull out my copy of A Horse and His Boy.